We Speak We Stand

Become an active bystander!

Register for We Speak We Stand Bystander 101 Training! (New Curriculum)

Saturday, February 23rd

1:00-3:00 pm Usdan 108

Empowered bystanders create a safer campus by standing up and speaking out when they witness situations that could potentially harm the health and safety of others.

Intervening with peers can be difficult for a number of reasons and

training will provide you with the skills to

move from inaction to action

and intervene safely and effectively.

The training features two distinct and separate tracks:

interpersonal violence prevention and alcohol education and intervention.

Please register here by Wednesday, February 20th!

[For questions please contact WesWell’s Bystander Intervention Intern at: jferguson@wesleyan.edu]

Fall Break/Homecoming/2nd Quarter Courses/Emergency

Dear 2022’ers,
It might seem hard to believe that we are seven weeks into the Fall semester. The high winds and cool temperature outside set the scene for an ideal Autumn in New England. Although some of you will depart campus for this short Fall break (beginning 10pm on F: 10/19 and ending 8am on 10/24), many people will remain on campus to enjoy Homecoming Weekend. However, you choose to use the break, I wish you well.

Seven weeks into the semester is also a time to draw your attention to 2 things:
Re: Academics – If you are enrolled in less than 4 credits, you should meet with your faculty advisor or me to explore adding a .25 credit (usually in PE or QAC). See WesMaps for courses that will begin in the 2nd quarter on or after Oct. 24, 2018.


The Drop/Add period for 2nd Quarter courses will be 5 days after the first meeting of the specific 2nd quarter course, no exceptions

Re: Any Emergency Matters – If you encounter any emergency (or concerning) situations while on campus, do not hesitate to immediately contact the Office of Public Safety. Please save the following two Public Safety numbers in your phone in the event that you (or someone else) should ever need it.

Emergency 860-685-3333
Non-Emergency 860-685-2345

The Office of Student Affairs utilizes a rotational On-Call system for emergency incidents on campus so someone is usually available to discuss options with you after Public Safety is notified. Additionally, as your class dean, I will usually follow-up with you when I return to the office on the next business day. You and your peers should not feel that you have to manage crisis situations on your own without the assistance of Public Safety. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to come in to meet with me during my daily drop-in sessions.

All the best,
Dean Thornton

Course schedule confirmation, grading mode change deadline, invitations, & meetings

Greetings 2022’er!

Please review your course schedule in WesPortal to confirm that your course enrollment (e.g. course number, section, and grading mode) is correct.

  • For courses that offer student grading option (A-F or CR/U), selections must be made before the Grading Mode Deadline this Friday, 9/28 at 5 PM. There will be no other opportunities to change or reverse changes made to grading mode after Friday’s deadline.
  • Select “Schedule is Correct” or “Schedule is NOT Correct”
  • Discuss any errors with your pre-major advisor or me
  • If you need to withdraw from a course, use the withdrawal form
  • If you need to add a course that you have been attending since the start of the semester, you must petition for a late add using the petition form

Also, you may request AP credits to be posted to your academic histories directly through WesPortal>Courses>Placement Scores & Course Recommendations.

Class of 2022 Gap Year Gathering – W: 9/26/18, 12:30 – 1:30 pm, Allbritton 103 Signup now

Academic Resources & Time Management Workshop – W: 9/26/18. 5 – 6 pm, Usdan 108 Sign up now

To meet with me:
Come to 10-min Drop-ins: Mon. 2-3 p.m., Tues. 3-4 p.m., Wed. 4-6 p.m., Thurs. 11 a.m.-noon, Fri. 2-4 p.m.
Or, contact my assistant, Mrs. Maheu at tmaheu@wesleyan.edu or by phone at 860-685-2765 to schedule an individual appointment.

Stay well, Dean Thornton

Academic Honor Code Survey

Prof. Rodriguez Mosquera (Psychology Department) is doing a study on the importance of the academic honor code among Wesleyan students. The study is not a test or an evaluation, it really only aims to gather Wesleyan students’ personal opinions about the importance of the academic honor code. The more students who complete the study, the better Prof. Rodriguez Mosquera will understand Wesleyan students’ perspectives. Could you help her out and complete the study? It really only takes 5 minutes to complete and it is anonymous. Please click on this link below if you want to take the study. Thank you!

Deadline to Apply for Writing Mentor Friday, 9/14

A Writing Mentor is a writing tutor who works steadily with a student for a full semester. Students like the arrangement because it feels private, and the mentor and student often develop a close working relationship.

The deadline for students to apply for a mentor is Friday, September 14th, at 9:00AM.

Students can find complete information on the “Apply for a Writing Mentor” page on the Writing Workshop Web site, along with an application form.

ITS External Review 9/17 and 9/18

ITS is undergoing an external review.  We have hired an outside firm that specializes in working with higher ed institutions to help us:

  • Gain a fresh perspective on our use and management of technology
  • Identify opportunities to design future ITS services
  • Assess ITS service delivery mechanisms, practices, and development
  • Make best use of our ITS resources

Student input is important to this process and the consultants have setup two open forums for students:

Monday, Sep 17, 12:10-1:20 South College B2/B3  Pizza will be served
Tuesday, Sep 18, 3:00-3:45 South College B2/B3  Cookies will be served

Drop by either one to share your thoughts.  The consultants will be asking questions to get your feedback.

Thank you!
Dave Baird, VP ITS and CIO