Spring 2022 courses for your consideration: WRCT 200 & 300, HIST 304

Dear Seniors,
I am writing you now with important information about the revised academic calendar and course registration processes. Due to the shift in the opening of our semester, some important dates have changed. In addition, the first two days of classes will be held remotely.
Remote drop/add attendance:
January 27 and 28 classes will be held online. During those two days, faculty have the option of allowing non-registered students to attend remotely. You can see which courses have been made available using the “Remote Course Access” in your WesPortal in the courses bucket or in the alert box. You will have access to the link in WesPortal until 11:59 p.m. Friday, January 28.
Beginning on January 31, classes will be meeting in person. Students should not attend in-person classes for which they are not registered, unless they have retained explicit permission from faculty. This is due to strict requirements for Covid classroom capacity compliance.
Grading Mode:
Only courses offered for “student option” grading mode allow students to choose between taking the course for A-F or CR/U. Please be sure to confirm your grading option in your courses by 5 p.m. on February 23.
Jan 20 – Feb 9 | Drop/Add period |
Jan 20 – Feb 9 | On-campus enrollment period for undergraduates and graduates |
Jan 27 | Classes begin |
Feb 23 | Grading mode option deadline 5:00 p.m. |
Mar 4 | Last day to withdraw from 3rd quarter classes |
Mar 11 | 3rd quarter classes end |
Mar 12 – Mar 20 | Spring break |
Mar 21 | 4th quarter classes begin. 4th quarter classes may be added or dropped during the five working days following the first class meeting |
Apr 27 | Last day to withdraw from full semester and 4th quarter classes |
May 4 | Classes end |
May 5 – May 9 | Reading period |
May 10 – May 13 | Final examinations |
1/20-2/9 Drop/Add period
1/20-2/9 On-campus enrollment period for undergraduates and graduates
1/27 Classes begin
2/23 For courses in which students have an option of grading mode, the final choice must be made by 5 p.m.
3/4 Last day to withdraw from 3rd quarter classes
3/11 3rd quarter classes end
3/12-3/20 Spring break
3/21 4th quarter classes begin. 4th quarter classes may be added or dropped during the five working days following the first class meeting
4/27 Last day to withdraw from full-semester & 4th quarter classes
5/4 Classes end
5/5-5/9 Reading period
5/10-5/13 Final examinations
Dear Seniors,
I would like to provide a reminder about the recent updates. Spring semester classes will start on Thursday, January 27. The Add/Drop period is now 1/20 – 02/09. Spring break will be from March 12–20.
Classes on Thursday, January 27 and Friday, January 28 will be held virtually before in-person classes resume on Monday, January 31. Students are expected to move into their residences Thursday, January 27 – Saturday, January 29.
All Students requesting an exception to move in earlier, including wood frame house residents, must complete an exception form, which is due at 12 Noon, EST on Monday, January 10. Students will receive a response about the exception by January 12. Use the following link to access the exception request form: Early Arrival Exception Request
Reminder, you must access the form from your Wesleyan Gmail. If you were pre-approved in the fall semester by Reslife to be on campus during the winter break, you do not need to submit another request. Once you arrive on campus, you must follow campus COVID testing protocol, here’s a link to the January testing schedule (https://www.wesleyan.edu/keep-wes-safe/testing.html).
For more information on housing, please review the website: Delayed Start of the Spring 2022 Semester. This website contains helpful information and the link to the form to request an exception to the Jan 27-29 arrival date.
The incomplete deadline remains the same and must be finished by January 17. However, your faculty member may have set an earlier due date. Please follow up with your professors directly if you have questions about your incomplete.
Senior Thesis writers have the same amount of time available with the same number of weeks of break. The schedule has just been readjusted. I would recommend that concerned thesis writers contact their advisors to reassess schedules.
I am also available for Zoom appointments if you have any questions. Here is my appointment link, and I look forward to answering your questions: https://calendly.com/mlguerrero217
Best wishes,
Dean Michael L. Guerrero, Class of 2022