Message from the Dean
Pre-Registration Planning has begun and will run until 5:00 pm on Tuesday, July 31. It seems that most of you have already taken advantage of the various advising resources available online and I am pleased that several of you have contacted me, other staff members, and the interns by email and phone. Keep it up! We welcome the opportunity to answer your questions and help you feel more confident about your transition to Wesleyan. In this week’s Academics Highlights, I draw special attention to the Academic Peer Advisors (APA), who will help you prepare for your academic journey. This team of well-informed and supportive students is another good resource to whom you may direct academic-related questions as you continue your pre-registration planning and exploring course options that both interest and challenge you.
You might want to check out “From Insight to Impact,” an online Coursera course taught by the director of the Gordon Career Center. It aims to help you understand your motivations, strengths, and goals, and appreciate how personal identity affects both academic and career decision-making. Click here for full instructions to create a Coursera account with your Wes email and enroll in the course.
Academic Highlights
Peer advisors are juniors and seniors who work during New Student Orientation and throughout the academic year to enhance student access to academic resources. During the summer, peer advisors are available online to answer questions students have about academic resources or campus life. Peer advisors are available to connect individually with students to address specific questions about the course registration process. They will also assist in the development of time management, study skills, and exam preparation strategies, and provide academic resources and referrals as needed. You will have an opportunity to meet with a peer advisor during New Student Orientation as you prepare for your individual meeting with your faculty advisor. You can browse through their bios and email any of them directly.
Message from Orientation Interns
Hello Class of 2022!
As returning Wesleyan students, we Interns are also perpetually in the throes of course scheduling, so, to help you plan for registration, we’ve given you some advice below.
If you are a visual learner, you may find it helpful to make a chart of all of the classes you will take in your first year, keeping in mind the General Education Expectations, possible major interests, and new subjects. It helps to keep things balanced; don’t only include reading-heavy or math-intensive classes. Most importantly, craft a schedule that gets you excited to start school.
Just because you can take this time to plan ahead does not mean you should get overwhelmed. Relax and breathe. Don’t be afraid to reach out to professors, and don’t panic if you can’t get into certain classes. There are great courses out there for you to explore, and your first year at Wesleyan is a great time to do just that. Remember that things tend to fall into place. You will see that the beauty of a liberal arts education is in your ability to craft a schedule that is equally unexpected and enlightening.
Good luck! GO WES!
The Orientation Interns
Maximilien Chong Lee Shin ‘21
Caridad Cruz ‘21
Christopher Jackson ‘20
Virginia Sciolino ‘21
(860) 685-5666
Summer Sendoffs
Thursday, July 12 – NY, NY
Saturday, July 21 – Los Angeles, CA
Sunday, July 22 – Bay Area, CA
Wednesday, July 25 – Mamaroneck, NY
Wednesday, July 25 – Ridgewood, New Jersey
Saturday, July 28 – Washington, DC
Thursday, August 2 – Boston, MA
Thursday, August 9 – Seattle, WA
Saturday, August 4 – Beijing, CH
Monday, August 13 – Chicago, IL
Tuesday, August 14 – Fairfield County, CT
Wednesday, August 15 – Philadelphia, PA
Thursday, July 19 – Hong Kong, CH
Saturday, August 4 – Mumbai, IN